Estate Trust and Gift Tax

Financial planning for college expenses should be started as soon as possible. Also, you need to understand the effect of student aid and family contributions, explore college savings plans, and discover how to increase your child's chances of receiving merit-based scholarships.
VIDEO: Are you prepared for the upcoming cut in the lifetime gift and estate tax exclusion? Learn how proactive planning can maximize your tax savings before exemption levels drop.
A financial windfall presents both an opportunity and a challenge. While it’s a chance to boost your financial health, it also demands savvy strategic planning to minimize taxes and maximize returns. 
Identity theft occurs when someone wrongfully obtains and uses another person's personal information, such as their name, Social Security number, credit card accounts, or other confidential data, and uses it to commit financial fraud or engage in other criminal activities while impersonating the victim.
PODCAST: Join us as we explore Trusts & Estates with our guest, attorney Zach Wiegand, at Gold Leaf Estate Planning and our own Trust & Estate expert, principal Adam Thielen. Together, we unravel the complexities of Gift & Estate Exclusion Rates and guide first-time estate executors through the process of
The estate and gift tax exclusion is increasing in 2023 to an all-time high, but set to be cut in half by 2026. Read more to learn about how you can best take advantage of this opportunity today and for an analysis of several different gifting options available to you.
Life insurance can provide peace of mind, but if your estate will be large enough that estate taxes will be a concern, it’s important to not own the policy at death. The policy’s proceeds will be included in your taxable estate and may be subject to estate tax.
Private foundations can be highly effective for people who want to leave a charitable legacy, but they’re expensive to set up and operate. Donor-advised funds (DAF) are a popular alternative, but they also have potential drawbacks.
VIDEO: A goal of estate planning is to maximize the wealth that is passed on to one's heirs. In this video, we'll discuss how a Spousal Lifetime Access Trust and an Irrevocable Life Insurance Trust may help you minimize estate taxes and protect wealth.
Private foundations must adhere to strict conflict-of-interest rules. Transactions with “disqualified persons,” including substantial contributors, managers, officers, directors and trustees and their families generally are off-limits. . Selling or leasing property to or from your foundation and making loans or providing goods to it are prohibited. If the IRS determines
Trusts are an essential tool for estate planning, but trust taxation implications can be confusing. You need to understand the differences between the types of trusts to determine which is best for your unique financial situation and goals.
VIDEO: A revocable living trust, or RLT, offers many benefits, including probate avoidance, privacy, and flexibility in managing assets during one’s life, incapacity, and death. However, there are misconceptions surrounding revocable trusts. Watch this video to learn about the top six misconceptions.
Adding kids to your bank account or home deed can create a host of legal, financial, and tax issues that can leave you and your loved ones vulnerable to significant risks and losses. Learn about the issues and alternative solutions to help you achieve your estate planning goals.
VIDEO: Failing to properly fund a living trust is one of the most common errors people make and can lead to unintended consequences and added costs for both the individual and their beneficiaries. In this video, we'll provide an overview of how to properly fund a living trust.
Estate planning is an essential part of financial planning for all individuals, regardless of age or asset level. It can help ensure you have enough money for retirement, minimize your estate taxes and maximize the wealth you pass to your beneficiaries. 
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