
VIDEO: iscover how a recent decision by the National Labor Relations Board could reshape workplace policies and potentially impact your business. Learn more about Section 7 of the National Labor Relations Act and the NLRB decision means for employee rights and how it could affect your company's rules.
VIDEO: Learn the important considerations when loaning money to your business or borrowing from it to avoid legal and tax issues.
VIDEO: As an owner of an S-Corp, understanding the concept of reasonable compensation is crucial for tax planning and compliance. Learn about the IRS's reasonable compensation rules for determining how much should be taken in the form of wages versus pass-through income.
VIDEO: For any business, understanding and effectively managing the cost of customer acquisition is crucial for success. In this video, we'll explain what it is, how it's calculated, and how it affects a business's profitability, cash flow, and overall growth.
VIDEO: Discover how CEOs of Airbnb, Starbucks, and Uber immersed themselves in their own businesses as customers and frontline employees, gaining valuable insights that transformed their companies. Learn how their firsthand experiences led to innovative improvements and a better understanding of their customers' needs.
VIDEO: Discover the common mistakes made when setting growth goals and how to avoid them. Learn how to create a clear and achievable plan to take your business to the next level.
VIDEO: Learn how Artificial Intelligence is transforming worker productivity and its impact on businesses and the labor market.
VIDEO: Hiring your child for your business can lead to significant tax savings by shifting income, reducing taxes, and reducing FICA and FUTA obligations. However, it's crucial to follow employment laws and withhold appropriate taxes. Learn more about the benefits and rules for hiring your child.
VIDEO: If your employees travel for work purposes, it’s important to understand the various methods of tracking and substantiating travel expenses so that you can maintain accurate records, control costs, and take advantage of potential tax benefits. Watch this video to learn the methods affect employees and employers.
VIDEO: A revocable living trust, or RLT, offers many benefits, including probate avoidance, privacy, and flexibility in managing assets during one’s life, incapacity, and death. However, there are misconceptions surrounding revocable trusts. Watch this video to learn about the top six misconceptions.
VIDEO: The Internal Revenue Service published its 2023 IRS Dirty Dozen Tax Scams highlighting various schemes that put taxpayers and their financial well-being at risk. In this video, we'll provide an overview of five of the top scams on the list.
VIDEO: Failing to properly fund a living trust is one of the most common errors people make and can lead to unintended consequences and added costs for both the individual and their beneficiaries. In this video, we'll provide an overview of how to properly fund a living trust.
VIDEO: Now that Research & Experimentation expenses must be amortized over several years, many companies are looking for ways to increase deductions and reduce taxable income. Here are three opportunities to potentially accelerate depreciation and reduce your tax liability.
VIDEO: A solution to incentivize employees using stock appreciation rights might be a better solution than tying their compensation to the company's performance or using stock options. One way to do this is through stock options, but using stock appreciation rights might be a better solution.
VIDEO: The Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB) recently issued lease accounting rules changes in the proposed Accounting Standards Update for Leases (Topic 842). The update addresses related-party arrangements between entities under common control. This video provides an overview of the proposed changes.
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